I have some VERY exciting news!

Admittedly, I am a glass is half full kind of person, I like Mondays, moving and always new seasons.  I welcome change even though I often find myself both exhilarated and terrified by it. As we sit days away from the beginning of summer, I have some VERY exciting news!

Over the last eight years, One Pretty House Interiors has been serving clients on a multitude of both traditional design and home staging projects and while enjoying both, our true passion as emerged in the process of creating spaces that allow sellers to sell and buyers to find the home of their dreams. 

To reflect this more Home Staging focus, One Pretty House Interiors is now MK Staging and Design, LLC.  We exist to make a difference in the lives of the people we serve creating spaces buyers want to live in through a consistent quality experience for sellers.  

We are very excited for this new direction. Be on the lookout for our new website and more information.


  1. How great is that, when you finally know what it is you want to focus on and you go for it? Go get em!!

  2. Thanks Luci,
    I can't thank you enough for your support!
